Lessons and Programs

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Lessons in Human Movement

1. Balance & Coordination

2. Somatic Education: The Feldenkrais Method®

3. Martial Art of Aikido

4. Japanese Swordsmanship

5. Portable Programs for Groups

1. Balance and Coordination:

Improve your balance, refine coordination. Suzane draws upon her experience in martial arts, balance training and somatic education to develop lessons matched to your current level of skill and interest areas.

Personal Training: individual lessons customized to your needs.

Harmony with Gravity: individual 6 lesson series

Bokken for Balance: individual lessons or group class

The Balance Equation : group educational presentation

Keep Your Balance!  : group class series geared for seniors

The Balance Lab : group series or workshop format for adults


2. Somatic Education: lessons in the Feldenkrais Method®.

Through verbal inquiry and instructive touch, the Feldenkrais® teacher guides a student to identify habitual ways of moving and then explore new options to improve movement. The format of the lesson may involve standing, sitting, or lying on a table.  Students are given take-home strategies to practice in their everyday life. In a single session the journey begins. A series of lessons is a sound investment in sustainable movement practice. Heightened awareness of position, skeletal alignment and movement habits leads to exploration of new possibilities for moving with mastery. Students experience easier motion, less pain, improved balance, fluidity and more freedom of movement.


3. Martial Art of Aikido: non-competitive Japanese martial art.

Private lessons are tailored to the needs and interest of the student. Practice may include  balance and footwork, falling and rolling, engagement, refinement of upper and lower body coordination, empty-handed techniques, practice in bokken or jo (wooden sword or staff). Some people choose private lessons as an alternative to group classes. For many aikido students, a combination of private lessons along with regular group classes promotes accelerated progress. 

Aikido hones the ability to imbalance an assailant while maintaining ones own balance. As a shidoin certified instructor of aikido, Suzane is highly attuned to recognize the elements of balance operating within a student and how to guide him/her toward improved dynamic stability.

Private lessons 

Aikido Basics 

Functional Footwork

Learn to Roll

Reversibility and Falling


4. Japanese Swordsmanship

Study nuances of connection, quality of contact, maintaining distance, contraction and expansion, angle of encounter, timing. Lessons based on the principles of Japanese sword drawing (Iaido) and the sword forms practiced within Aikido using the wooden bokken.

Sword Handling 101 (individual or group classes)

Bokken for Balance (individual or group classes)

Sword Play for Couples (semi-private lesson series for two or four people)

Introduction to the Japanese Sword (educational presentation)

Lessons in Human Movement are regularly held at Multnomah Aikikai in Southwest Portland. For location details visit: http://multnomahaikikai.com/directions.html

5. Portable Programs for Groups

Space To Move Lessons in Human Movement are portable and adaptable. Most of the programs listed below are highly participatory. People are up on their feet moving or they are down on the ground rolling around. All programs may be customized to your group. 

Aikido and the Art of Negotiation, Centering is a Dynamic Activity and The Lines of Engagement are well suited to corporate groups.  

“Keep Your Balance” is geared toward seniors; exercises and explorations are done sitting in a chair and standing next to a chair.

The “educational presentations” can be introductory  “sit and listen” experiences, duration 30′-60′. 

Centering is a Dynamic Activity

The Lines of Engagement 

Aikido and the Art of Negotiation 

Aikido for Attorneys

The Balance Lab

The Balance Equation  (educational presentation)

Keep Your Balance! 

Reversibility and Falling

Learn to Roll

Functional Footwork 

Aikido Basics

Japanese Sword Introduction (educational presentation)  

Sword Handling 101

Bokken for Balance  

If you are interested in booking a program for your group please contact me, use the reply form below, or send a message to:

spacetomoveinfo (at) gmail (dot) com

Contact me for individual lesson rates, options and policies.

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